Use Case 3: Withdraw PPP Loan Application submitted to SBA

Lender may Withdraw PPP Loan Application, if Application has not been approved by SBA. Please note: If application status is failed validation, Lender would have to withdraw application before correcting & resubmitting it. PPP Loan requests can only be deleted/withdrawn if their status is “Pending Validation” or “Failed Validation” or “Under Review” (if etran allows) or Not Approved.When Loan is Under Review and API users try to withdraw application, platform will call etran real time.If Etran allows withdraw, API users will get successful message back else withdraw request will fail with an error message.Withdrawing an applications which SBA didn’t approve would give Lenders an opportunity to do correction and resubmit, if applicable

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Use Case 3

Withdraw PPP Loan Request

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